Friday Five – March 20th – Five Things I’m Looking Forward to About Spring

Happy first day of Spring!  And how are we celebrating here in the DC area?  I think this weather forecast map says it all:

Photo Credit: Capital Weather Gang

Today’s weather forecast as of 9:00 p.m. Thursday night (Photo Credit: Capital Weather Gang)

Yup, that’s right.  We get to spend the day dealing with more of that white stuff.  Old man winter, you’ve overstayed your welcome.  Its time for you to go into hibernation.

Despite the snow today, I’m not letting that get me down about it being the first day of one of my two favorite seasons of the year (Summer is my other favorite).  From the warmer temperatures to the longer days to how gorgeous everything looks when its in bloom, there’s so much to love about Spring.  And this Spring, there’s many exciting things that I’m looking forward to, including:

1.  Kicking off Spring by running the Dolphin Challenge during Shamrock Marathon Weekend.  My friend Kathleen flies in this morning, and we’ll be headed for Virginia Beach this afternoon.

2.  Spending a week in sunny Florida.  I cannot wait wait to spend a week relaxing with Preston doing some of our favorite things, including spending time at the beach and pool, going to a baseball game, and spending a couple of days at Disney World.

3.  Seeing the Cherry Blossoms.  It wouldn’t be Spring in DC without getting to see the Cherry Blossoms when they’re in bloom.  And right now the weather experts are predicting that the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run will be during peak bloom, which will make the race all that more scenic.

One of my favorite views of the Cherry Blossoms has always been how they beautifully frame the Jefferson Memorial!

One of my favorite views of the Cherry Blossoms has always been how they beautifully frame the Jefferson Memorial!

4.  Spending more time outside.  Just in the past couple of weeks with the sun not setting until later Preston and I have been able to take Riley for more walks after work.  I can’t wait to spend more time outside in the coming weeks and months as the weather continues to get nicer and nicer.

5.  Having Preston’s best friend visit us in May.  Its been way too long (to be exact, since August 2013) that we’ve seen Preston’s best friend.  We’ve moved, he and his wife have moved, and life has just been crazy for all of us.  Sadly, the timing of the trip doesn’t work for his wife to also come, but we can’t wait to have him here for five days.

QOTD: What are you looking most forward to about Spring?

As always, thank you to the DC Trifecta Bloggers (Courtney from Eat Pray Run DC, Mar from Mar on the Run, and Cynthia from You Signed Up For What?!) for hosting the weekly Friday Five Link Up.  Be sure to check out their posts as well!


Lastly, congrats to Krystal for winning the Magical Miles giveaway!  Please e-mail me ( to claim your prize!

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49 Responses to Friday Five – March 20th – Five Things I’m Looking Forward to About Spring

  1. Jennifer says:

    I am excited about Cherry Blossoms. Can’t wait to go for a run around the Tidal Basin (minus the crowds of course).

  2. Pam says:

    I cannot believe you have more snow forecast in the DC area. This has been one very rough winter. The one and only time I saw the cherry blossoms was in a snow storm. It actually made it quite beautiful, but a blue sky would be way nicer! Have a great weekend in Virginia Beach!

  3. Coco says:

    This morning aside, it should be great weather for Shamrock — good luck!

  4. Have a great time in Florida. I am here right now enjoying some sunshine. It is nice to just relax and have nothing planned. Goodluck this weekend!

  5. Michelle @ Running with Attitude says:

    I so feel your pain on the snow – but I’ve decided to live in denial and pretend it’s not coming 😉 Have fun this weekend!

  6. Philly we’re supposed to get 1-3 inches today…go figure! I can’t wait for the Cherry Blossoms either – I’ll be doign the 10 miler for the first time in a few weeks!

  7. Chaitali says:

    I can’t believe I’m looking out the window and seeing snow again! I hope Kathleen’s plane gets in ok and you guys have a fun weekend 🙂

  8. Sounds like you have a great Spring planned. I’m looking forward to hikes, runs and all the outdoor activities

  9. I wish I could come to DC and see those Cherry Blossoms!!! Boo for more snow! Hopefully this will be the last of it. Good luck this weekend girl!!!!! I know you will get that PR! Have fun!

  10. Lesley says:

    Everything! It’s been wet and humid the past week and I hope things will dry out a little to enjoy the nice weather. The temps have been warming up nicely.

  11. Colleen says:

    Yayy! Can’t wait. I’m going to DC in a few weeks and hoping to see the cherry blossoms bloom! I’ve been yet. Anything I should make sure to go do?

  12. marywdw says:

    I’m with Colleen- I’ve never been to the Cherry Blossom Festival but am thinking of going and would like to know what the best strategy is for seeing the cherry blossoms and monuments.

  13. I love seeing the pictures of cherry blossoms. We don’t have them around here but I stalk everyone else’s Instagram photos for them!

  14. i’m over the snow. boo. have a great race this weekend!

  15. Sue @ This Mama Runs For Cupcakes says:

    I hope the Cherry blossoms are in peak bloom for the race, that would be awesome!! I’m so bummed i’m missing out on this race. Figures it would fall on the same weekend as Paris! Have a great race weekend!

  16. Sam @ PancakeWarriors says:

    I love spring in the south!! Everything is blooming and it’s gorgeous. i’m spending as much time as possible outside and love it!! Enjoy the cherry blossoms!!

  17. Sun says:

    Spring is such a wonderful season and it’s such a relief when it finally arrives. No more gross winter weather! The cherry blossoms during your race will make it so pretty. Something to enjoy while cranking out the miles 🙂

  18. Those are great things to look forward to! I am looking forward to seeing how my new town looks like in the spring. 😉

  19. Farrah says:

    Aww, so jealous that you get to hang out in Florida for a week! I hope you have a lot of fun! :] Soak up some sun for me!

    I can’t wait til the weather warms up + I get an excuse to attempt to hang out outside more often! ❤

  20. I cant believe it is snowing again! and I am so jealous about the Cherry Blossoms-I have always wanted to go see them!

  21. alsoranagain says:

    Good luck this weekend!

    Those cherry blossoms are gorgeous; I can’t wait to see them in-person soon! I just hope the snow’s completely melted by then. I don’t want to freeze during spring break!

  22. I am so excited for spring. Of course in Chicago… we can get snow in May. So I never hold my breath in hopes of no more snow lol.

  23. snow-snow go away!!!! #overit

    I am running the Cherry Blossom 10 miler and hope the weather will cooperate!!

    Enjoy Florida-I could use some sand between my toes right now.

  24. Olivia S says:

    I’m looking forward to warmer pool temperatures and being able to swim outside!

    Looking forward to your Cherry blossom pictures. That’s what makes it worth the wait, right?

  25. I am looking forward to the warmer weather, the blossoming trees/flowers, and spring races! Hopefully you guys get warmer weather soon.

  26. This snow really needs to take a hike – time for spring and getting the YakTrax off my running shoes!

  27. tonee78 says:

    The cherry blossoms are beautiful! I am looking forward to no more snow!!!

  28. That’s awesome that the cherry blossoms should be in bloom during the race! We went up to DC last year for Spring Break to see the cherry blossoms, but we missed them blooming. Still a fun trip!

    I too am looking forward to taking advantage of it getting dark later. More walks with the pup (and baby when he/she arrives!) in the evening, and I’m looking forward to running in the evening when I can get back to that!

  29. I’m definitely looking forward to better weather!!

  30. I hope the weather is awesome for you in Florida. It is pretty erratic. I live near Daytona and it was amazing this weekend, but a couple of weeks ago Friday I wore a Jacket and jeans while at Disney, Saturday it rained 9-5 and then Sunday it was sunny and 80 and I was wearing shorts and a tank LOL. I love DC! I’ve only been there for my 8th grade field trip but I did get to see the cherry blossoms 🙂 My cousin is going to George Washington University up there and he loves it!

  31. jillconyers says:

    Sunshine, blue skies and warm weather. is that too much to ask? Oh and spring fruits and veggies too.

  32. I love how much more energy I feel like I have when it is spring time just from the fact that it is warmer and staying light out later.

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