Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 7

Because of what happened during week 6, there’s very little to report from this past week of training in terms of what I physically accomplished.  By the time Tuesday rolled around (which was also Snow Day #2 of the week), I was starting to go a bit stir crazy here at home.  I am not one who easily sits still for long, even when ordered by the doctor to do so.

When I called Tuesday morning to schedule my follow up appointment with the neurologist, I was given the go ahead to move forward with light exercise.  Per the doctors’ recommendations while in the hospital to find ways to help me relax, I opted to start back up with exercising with some easy yoga.  Despite my ongoing exhaustion, I did an easy treadmill walk on Thursday, and then walked slightly faster during my walk on Saturday.

It felt unbelievably good to walk a 5k on the treadmill on Thursday

It felt unbelievably good to walk a 5k on the treadmill on Thursday

The good news is that my head pain has decreased significantly as the the week has gone on.  The only other symptom that has arisen since I was discharged from the hospital is that my left hand has become very weak and appears to have lost quite a bit of its strength.  This is definitely something that I’ll bring up with the neurologist during this morning’s follow up appointment.

Much of my week was spent at home.  Although Monday and Tuesday wound up being Snow Days, I did have to write sub plans for Wednesday-Friday, as well as for today because of my doctor’s appointment.  When I felt up to it, I did get a little grading in, but the focus of this past week was centered on resting and continuing to destress.

This morning I’m hoping and praying for nothing but good news from the neurologist.  I’m eager to return to work, as well as to resume a normal training routine.  The verdict about this coming weekend’s half marathon is still unknown.  Despite what I want to do, I know it’ll be of utmost importance that I listen to the doctor, and if I’m told not to proceed with Rock ‘n’ Roll USA then that’ll be the case.

The one highlight of my week was celebrating my grandfather’s 80th birthday.  His surprise birthday celebration had been planned for awhile, and required that Preston and I to travel to New Jersey.  We debated throughout the week whether or not to join the rest of my family for the birthday party, but in the end, I’m glad we did go.  Seeing my parents and the rest of my family over the weekend definitely helped make me feel better emotionally.

I’ll be certain to share the news from this morning’s neurologist appointment and what is next for me in terms of my training.

Mon 3/3 – Rest day

Tues 3/4 – 30 minutes of yoga

Wed 3/5 – Rest day

Thurs 3/6 – 3.10 mile treadmill walk, abs

Fri 3/7 – Rest day

Sat 3/8 – 3.50 mile treadmill walk

Sun 3/9 – Rest day

Total Weekly Mileage – 6.60 miles (3.10 miles more than week 6)

Total Half Marathon Training Mileage – 86.93 miles

QOTD: Are you somebody who can easily sit still or do you have trouble slowing down?

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11 Responses to Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 7

  1. Pam says:

    I hope your appointment went well today. Head pain is no joke. Family gatherings are some of my favorites and how fun to celebrate a milestone birthday for your grandfather!

  2. Chaitali says:

    I hope the appointment went well! That’s great that you were able to make it up to NJ to celebrate your grandfather’s birthday 🙂

  3. Just caught up on reading. What a scary experience! Hope you continue to heal quickly. Fingers crossed for a clean bill of health soon.

  4. I have trouble slowing down, so I would definitely be going crazy if I was in your shoes! I hope today’s appointment went well! I hope you continue the good attitude you are having about all of this–your health is of the utmost importance, so it’s great that you are ok with not doing the race this weekend if it’s not good for you. Hang in there, I know it’s tough!

  5. Pingback: Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Recap | From Dancing to Running

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