Category Archives: WDW Half Marathon Training

Walt Disney World Half Marathon Training Log – Week 18

What a week!  My last full week of half marathon training was full of lots of excitement, mainly with events going on outside of my training.  Good thing I’m currently tapering otherwise I’m not sure I would have had enough … Continue reading

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Walt Disney World Half Marathon Training Log – Week 17

This past week was very uneventful as far as my training was concerned.  After my longest run to date (13.1 miles) at the end of last week, I was quite sore and spent much of the first half of the … Continue reading

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Let The Taper Begin!

With the big race only 18 days away (15 days until Marathon weekend kicks off with Day 1 of the Expo), its officially time to start tapering!  Its still hasn’t sunk in yet that I ran 13.1 miles on Sunday, … Continue reading

Posted in Training, WDW Half Marathon Training | Tagged , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Walt Disney World Half Marathon Training Log – Week 16

Wow, what a week this has been!  This time of year is always extra busy.  On top of all the Christmas festivities, this week was also my last week of intense training before I start to taper for my first … Continue reading

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Walt Disney World Half Marathon Training Log – Week 15

After feeling run down during much of week 14, I knew that I wanted to play it a bit safer during this past week of training.  Since I had an 11.5 mile run planned for over the weekend, I only … Continue reading

Posted in Milestones, Training, WDW Half Marathon Training | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Walt Disney World Half Marathon Training Log – Week 14

This week has been a roller coaster.  I started the week off on a high after last week’s many accomplishments – my first 10 miler, running and walking a complete half marathon in one day, and reaching the 500 mile … Continue reading

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Walt Disney World Half Marathon Training Log – Week 13

I’m beyond happy with all that I accomplished during this past week of training!  Not only did I successfully stay on track with my training during Thanksgiving, but I also completed my first double digit run! The first part of … Continue reading

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Walt Disney World Half Marathon Training Log – Week 12

This past week more than any other week of training was about trying to balance my training schedule against a busy life calendar.  Fortunately, I realized last week that it would be beneficial for me to push forward with two … Continue reading

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Walt Disney World Half Marathon Training Log – Week 11

Coming off of the high of my week 10 training, week 11 proved to be extremely trying.  I credit this struggle entirely to running the Veteran’s Day 5K (recap still to come) the day after pushing myself to a new … Continue reading

Posted in Milestones, Training, WDW Half Marathon Training | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Walt Disney World Half Marathon Training Log – Week 10

Its official – I have made it to the halfway point of my training!  Ten weeks ago I had no idea how I’d been feeling, or what I’d be thinking, at this point in terms of my ability to run … Continue reading

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