My Goals for Sunday’s Loudoun Half Marathon

Today marks just four days until my next race, and my first goal race of 2018, the Loudoun Half Marathon.  I ran this race for the first time last year, and immediately fell in love with the race for a number of reasons, including that it is put on by Potomac River Running (a local running store, whose races are always incredibly well organized), and that the course for the race isn’t an incredibly challenging one.  Although the course has rolling hills (in our area of Northern Virginia its near impossible to avoid running on hills), a couple of miles of the race are on a local trail, which is incredibly flat while also very scenic.

Running on the W&OD Trail during last year’s race

I went into my Loudoun training with high hopes of being able to push myself to a half marathon PR.  Although I haven’t been able to push myself to run the faster paces that I’d hope to be back to running at this point, that doesn’t mean that I won’t be giving it my all on Sunday morning.  As of now, the weather forecast looks great: in the low to mid 40s during the race and very low winds.  I’m incredibly thankful to see the lack of wind in the forecast, given that I’ve had to battle high winds during several of my recent outdoor runs.

As I usually do for goal races, I’ll be running on Sunday with three goals in the back of my mind:

Goal A – Finish the race in under 2:15:42 (10:22 pace) – This is my current half marathon PR, which I set back in September 2016.  Although I know that this finish time is a far reach given my average pace during my recent long runs, I want to push myself and see what I’m able to accomplish.

Goal B – Finish the race in under 2:16:02 (10:23 pace) – This was my finish time at last year’s Loudoun Half.  Again, I’m not sure that this goal is very realistic, but we’ll see what happens.

Goal C – Finish the race in under 2:24:13 (11:00 pace) – This is the finish time/pace that I think is most realistic given my recent long training runs.

My fingers and toes are crossed that the current forecast for Sunday remains as it is.  Not having to run in the wind will certainly help me to be able to push myself towards those A and B goals.

QOTD: When you set goals for yourself, do you focus on pushing yourself, being realistic, or a combination of the two?

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21 Responses to My Goals for Sunday’s Loudoun Half Marathon

  1. Wendy says:

    I think you’ve set reasonable goals–you are so good at that! Good luck this weekend and no matter what, have fun!

  2. Chaitali says:

    Good luck and fingers crossed for a good forecast 🙂 It sounds like a great race.

  3. Good luck on Sunday! That forecast sounds PERFECT for a half marathon. I don’t know how your race pace/training pace usually shakes out, but I’ve found that I’m almost always able to hold a much faster pace in a race than I expected based on training. The excitement of a race and having other people out running with makes it a lot easier to run faster, in my experience. I hope that happens for you as well and that you have a great race! 🙂

  4. Karen :0) says:

    Hoping the weather holds out for y’all! Have so much fun!!

  5. rach says:

    If the weather is good and I am feeling good, I always run much faster in a race. I hope you have a great race – can’t wait to hear how you rocked it!

  6. Good luck on Sunday! My half marathon (at the moment) has a decent forecast, too, and I’m thankful for that. I’ll be in a majorly fatigued state (following an evening of prom festivities/work), so I have no idea what to expect on the race course LOL

  7. This race has been on my radar for a few years! Weather looks good have a fantastic time

  8. Rachel says:

    You always set really smart goals. I can’t wait to hear how it goes!

  9. advowithjen says:

    Best of luck to you, have a great race!!

  10. chrissytherd says:

    I tend to vary the goals based on the stage of life/training. Last weekend was just to finish my race because I was coming back from an injury. Other times I like to push myself! I hope you have a great race this weekend!!

  11. Pingback: Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 8 | From Dancing to Running

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