Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 5

Since I was on Spring Break last week, I had very ambitious intentions of having a very active week.  Despite my goal, a busy week off, traveling and being away from home, and poor weather all contributed to only working out three times last week.  I had envisioned taking little man for lots of walks in his stroller around my parents’ neighborhood while we were visiting, but cold, snowy, and wet conditions for the majority of the week dictated otherwise.  That’s not to say that I didn’t have a great Spring Break, because I truly did, but I was nowhere near as active as I had hoped to be.

Monday, March 26th

After having run 12.5 miles on the treadmill late Sunday afternoon, I was sore and a tad chafed.  My body cried for me to take the day off from training, so I gave it the rest that it screamed for.  Instead, I spent the day staying busy with little man.  We spent the morning at the public library, met up with my parents for lunch, and then played at their house after his nap that afternoon.

My little bookworm

Tuesday, March 27th

My mom came home from work early enough to spend the late afternoon with little man, which gave me the opportunity to escape to the gym.  I ran 4.15 miles on the treadmill and then did 35 minutes of full body weight training.

Funny story: when I walked into the gym and showed my Gold’s Gym travel pass to the desk attendant, he immediately recognized me, not because he knew me but because he had been working on Sunday afternoon when I had been there completing my long run.  He recognized me as “that crazy runner girl.”

Wednesday, March 28th

I had planned to go the gym for cross and weight training, but a busy day of having fun with my little man and a family dinner out that lasted longer than I anticipated led to me running out of time to get to the gym.  Oh well.  At least I had a great day with my family and my little man.

Thursday, March 29th

For the first time during my trip to Illinois, the weather had finally cooperated for me to be able to run outside.  I love running on the trail in my hometown, so I was so excited to finally be able to complete a run on it.  Despite the flat route, I wasn’t able to push myself the way that I had hoped to.  But it didn’t matter.  I was happy to just be able to be outside and running.

I was so happy to finally be able to run outside on the trail.

Friday, March 30th

A long travel day home, plus a birthday dinner out with my boys after Preston picked us up from the airport, resulted in no time to work out.  The important thing is that I got to spend my birthday with my boys, after seeing my parents and sister that morning.

Saturday, March 31st

After a week of not so pleasant weather in Illinois, it was absolutely wonderful to be able to enjoy a warm, sunny afternoon here at home.  During little man’s nap I headed out for my run.  It was in the high 50s when I started my run, and in the low 60s when I finished, and it felt incredible to be able to wear short sleeves outside at the end of March.  I felt strong during my run, and was able to push my pace a bit more than I have been able to recently during long runs outside.  It was a definite confidence boost.

Other than the occasional wind, it was absolutely perfect running weather on Saturday!

Sunday, April 1st

I focused on spending my time on Easter with the family instead of working out.  After church and a lite lunch, we drove to my godmother’s house, just outside of Baltimore.  We enjoyed a delicious ham dinner, and indulged on lots of delicious Easter treats.  We had a wonderful afternoon and early evening celebrating Easter, which included an Easter Egg Hunt in the front yard for little man.

Happy Easter from our family to yours

Total Weekly Mileage – 18.36 miles (5.38 miles less than week 4)

Total Loudoun Half Mileage – 98.28 miles

QOTD: What did you do to celebrate Easter?

I’m linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking the Long Way Home for the Weekly Wrap link up.  Be sure to check out their posts as well.

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42 Responses to Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 5

  1. kookyrunner says:

    That’s so funny that the gym recognized you as the runner girl, lol. That happened to me when I was in Chicago for a work trip last year, lol
    Love your family Easter pic!

  2. Wendy says:

    We’re still having “not so pleasant weather”. Aaayyyy! Sounds like a nice week anyways and you got your run in, you crazy runner girl! :p

    Love the family photo! And your outfit.

  3. Glad to see that you were able to get outside for at lease a few of your runs!

  4. Happy Easter! Great family photo! How nice you got to see all of your family on your special day!

  5. What a great week you had and getting your runs in on your trip to Iillinois! Happy Birthday to you too! We went to church yesterday then to my mom’s for lunch. We went fishing back home yesterday evening. It was nice. Hope you have another great week!

  6. Chaitali says:

    Sounds like you had a great Spring break! It’s crazy that the weather continues to be so unpleasant but it sounds like you really made the most of it.

  7. Lesley says:

    “Crazy runner girl.” You do what you gotta do. Glad you were able to get outside too. I haven’t been back to my hometown since my parents moved, but there’s a great running path there. I spent a lot of time doing my training runs on it.

  8. Karen :0) says:

    Looks like a great time with your family! The gym thing made me laugh…that’s funny! Great job this week despite the weather conditions! Happy birthday!!

  9. Darlene says:

    I hate when weather intervenes with runs.

    I think that may be the case for me this week.

  10. Sounds like a great week of relaxation! I bet your little guy loved having so much extra time with you 😉

  11. Coco says:

    Oh, chafing always calls for extra rest. Ouch! Happy belated birthday — I love your Easter outfit.

  12. runswithpugs says:

    Our Spring Break didn’t go quite as planned either. We will just have to make it up later in the year.

    Looks like you had a lovely time with your family. I’m so glad you were able to enjoy the week with the grandparents!

    We had a very chill and low-key Easter. I really wanted to take our meal to the beach, but it ended up being overcast and windy, and my stepdad has an allergy to the cold, so we ended up staying home. It was fine, but I would have enjoyed a little change of scenery.

  13. Sounds like a great break with your family! And I love that he recognized you as the “crazy runner girl”!

  14. Renée says:

    What a bummer that the weather didn’t really cooperate during your spring break. I can imagine you could be a tiny bit disappointed about that.

    Your spring break actually sounds like it was really good! Time spent with family, little man and even a couple decent days to run outside!

    And I guess there are worse things than being known as “that crazy runner girl” hahaha!

    Loving the family Easter photo – so lovely ❤

    We don’t celebrate Easter so for us it’s just a long weekend (we are off for Easter Monday…). I ran with my friend Vincent (a half marathon distance training run) while my hubs was on the bike. After that it was all about chilling out and refueling!

  15. Marcia says:

    That’s hilarious that they spotted you and tagged you as the “crazy runner girl” at the gym! Way to get that long one done on the mill. Our weather leaves much to be desired. Kind of glad I was able to escape to CA.

  16. Way to get in your workouts when you could! It’s hard being on vacation with kids and trying to fit it in. We did a lot of activities together on our spring break so that helped with my training. I ran at my parents place this weekend – always nice to run in your home town again.

  17. agsignor says:

    It’s so hard getting fitness in with little ones. The weather will improve soon and you won’t even remember the missed workouts, lol. Your son is adorable btw!

  18. Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says:

    Nice job! The weather lately has been all over the place. It sounds like you had a wonderful week with your family. And happy birthday!

  19. Lindsay says:

    Love that I know exactly where you were standing for that photo! Love the Bloomington/Normal constitution trail. Now what also made me laugh is the fact that while you were in B/N I was in Minnesota and I got a guest pass at their Lifetime Fitness and because I got at 4:30 am the staff knew exactly who I was and rarely made me do the “paper work” to sign in everyday! How long did you live in B/N??

    • My family moved there when I was in junior high, and then I left after I graduated high school and returned to the East Coast for college.

      • Lindsay says:

        Wow! That must have been a HUGE culture shock moving from the East Coast to small town USA. Glad you were able to go back for college. If you’re ever back in B/N and would like a workout buddy or would like to hit up a spin class at 4seasons let me know! 🙂

  20. HoHo Runs says:

    Your family Easter picture is so nice! I’m glad you enjoyed your Spring Break. Sometimes things like the weather or travel simply interrupt our training plans. And that’s OK. Life happens. All we can do is just appreciate the extra rest you and get back to training when we can. Thanks for linking.

  21. Pingback: Friday Five – Potpourri v. 22 | From Dancing to Running

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