Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 4

Greetings from cold and snowy Central Illinois!  Since I’m on Spring Break this week, little man and I are spending the week here visiting my parents.  School has been incredibly stressful lately, so I’m very thankful for a week off from work.  We’re happy to be visiting here, though we’re sad that my husband wasn’t able to take the week off and join us.

The theme of this past week was dealing with Mother Nature and what was hopefully her last attempt at winter weather this season.

Monday, March 19th

Even though I had just completed a long run the day prior, the weather was absolutely beautiful (it was sunny and 60 degrees!), and I knew that the week ahead would be filled with nasty winter weather.  I decided that I needed to take advantage of the nice weather, and decided to park my car at home and then walk to/from daycare with the stroller to pick little man up.  We both appreciated the ability to get some fresh air and the chance to enjoy the mild weather during our almost two and a half mile walk.

Tuesday, March 20th

Although I had planned to go to the gym after school, the weather had other plans for me.  Since it had started snowing and sleeting early in the afternoon, I decided that it was best to skip my trip to the gym in order to get home sooner than later.  At home, I did do 35 minutes of strength training, with some assistance from my little training partner.

Little man decided to do step ups with me.

Wednesday, March 21st

About five inches of snow fell throughout the day.  The only place to go was outside to shovel and play in the snow.

Little man had a blast playing outside in the snow.

Thursday, March 22nd

Although I had a second Snow Day on Thursday, the weather was much more favorable for getting out and about.  I spent my morning at home working on lesson planning and grading, and was at the gym by mid-afternoon, where I ran five miles on the treadmill and did 40 minutes of full body weight training.

This teacher had a very productive Snow Day, which included a strong five mile progression run on the treadmill.

Friday, March 23rd

After school, I kicked off my Spring Break at the gym.  I spent 30 minutes on the elliptical followed by 25 minutes of full body weight training.  It felt incredible to start my week off with a good old sweat session at the gym.

Saturday, March 24th

Little man and I spent Saturday traveling to Illinois.  I was incredibly worried about traveling solo with him, especially since my hometown in Central Illinois was under a Winter Weather Warning until 10 p.m. that night.  I called the airline first thing in the morning, but since a travel advisory hadn’t been issued despite the weather warning that had been issued, we weren’t able to change our flights without incurring a hefty change fee.  Our flight from D.C. to Chicago arrived there without any issues, but when we boarded the plane in Chicago for our short flight south, the pilot told us that he would do his best to get us there.  Everybody’s patience on the flight was tested, as just as we were about to land (we were only a couple hundred feet off of the ground) we went back up into the air.  We had to circle the airport in order to wait for the weather to calm enough for us to be able to safely land, and to wait for the runway to be replowed.  Once we finally landed the jet bridge was iced over, and it was deemed to be too unsafe for us to deplane by stairs.  After about 30 minutes the ground crew had finally deiced the jet bridge enough for it to be able to be moved towards the plane.  It felt so good to finally be able to get off of the plane, and my heart was so happy as I watched little man run into his grandparents’ arms.  The travel headache had been worth it.

Ready to fly to Grammie and Papa’s house!

So happy to see Grammie and Papa!

Sunday, March 25th

Because of the snow and ice, there was no way that I could safely do my long run outside.  Thank goodness for my Gold’s Gym travel pass, as well as my parents and sister who watched little man, so that I could still complete my long run for the week.  I felt incredibly strong from start to finish, and slowly increased my pace during my run.  It felt amazing to finish my 12.5 miles and see my average pace be in the mid-10s.  My fingers are crossed that I’ll feel just as strong on race day in four weeks.  After my run I completed a one mile cool down walk.

Nothing but smiles after a strong long run on the treadmill.

Total Weekly Mileage – 23.74 miles (3.04 miles more than week 3)

Total Loudoun Half Mileage – 79.92 miles

QOTD: Were you also blessed with winter weather last week?

I’m linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking the Long Way Home for the Weekly Wrap link up.  Be sure to check out their posts as well.

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32 Responses to Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 4

  1. kookyrunner says:

    I sincerely hope that we do not have any more snow storms – I’m so over it!
    I’m so sorry that you had a stressful flight but glad that you arrived their safely!

  2. Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says:

    We had the snow storm last Wednesday and it was so annoying! I’m so over this cold weather, when will it feel like spring??

    Great job on your workouts, especially that long treadmill run – very solid! That plane ride sounds awful, glad you were able to land safely. And I’m jealous that you had snow days…they didn’t even let us out early this last time.

  3. Chaitali says:

    That sounds like a hectic travel day, glad you both got there safely! And I love the gold’s gym travel plan, so useful.

  4. I am just hoping this windy and cold weather will go away. Then we can start complaining about the heat again 🙂 Enjoy your spring break

  5. Way to get in your workout! ! We got hit hard with snow last week! Traveling with kids can be a challenge, glad you got there safely.

  6. AJ says:

    What an awesome week you had! I’ve been on spring break too and so promised myself I’d get a run in everyday before I go back to the craziness! Enjoy your time off:)

  7. Wendy says:

    Sorry you had such an ordeal getting to your folks! I’m grateful that the storm missed us here! Enjoy your week!

  8. Luckily we did not get any snow last week. Hopefully we are done for the season! How fun you got to see your parents, even though up North is not the typical place to go for spring break:)

  9. Coco says:

    Oh, your little man is so cute! Ugh on those travels woes. How stressful and annoying, but glad you were able to land safely and deplane eventually! Jeez. Enjoy the time with your parents.

  10. agsignor says:

    Your son is adorable! I love seeing moms work out with their kiddos. You’re setting such a great example for him. And no snow last week, but we are getting some tonight! Bring it. We need all the moisture we can get!

  11. runswithpugs says:

    You are amazing, being able to knock out 12 on the treadmill like that. I was supposed to do 7 and gave up after 2.5. Ugh.

    What a nerve-racking flight experience. I’m not a great flyer (although I love to travel, go figure), so that would have had my anxiety out of control! So glad you and your little guy are able to enjoy some grandparents time. What a wonderful way to spend the break!

  12. Lesley says:

    Wow, 12 miles?! I did 11 once, and I thought never again, but you gotta do what you gotta do. At least the treadmill gives me peace of mind when the outdoors are treacherous.

  13. Wow, so many of you are having snow! It has warmed up down south and oh the humidity!! I’m not ready for summer running! Great week of workouts! I know you will do great at your next half! I hope you and your little man enjoy your spring break with your family!

  14. Aw I love all the pics of little man. He’s getting so big, oh my goodness! Hope you are enjoying your week off!

  15. Darlene says:

    I could never do a long run on the treadmill kudos to you.

    We’ve had lots of snow but I’ve been able to squeeze my runs in but this March had been difficult.

  16. HoHo Runs says:

    Great job on that long treadmill run! I think you are ready for your next half! I’m glad you arrived safety to your destination, even though I know it was stressful to have to stay on the plane for a while with little man. Thanks for linking!

  17. Pingback: Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 5 | From Dancing to Running

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