Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 2

At the beginning of last week, after a very productive week of training, I was so excited about the possibility of another great week of training.  Unfortunately my body had other plans for me this past week.

Monday, March 5th

I woke up Monday morning with a horrible migraine.  My head had been bothering me on and off the day before, but the migraine was in full force Monday morning.  When I got home from work, I was in so much pain that I could barely move off of the couch.

Tuesday, March 6th

My migraine wasn’t any better when I woke up Tuesday morning.  I left work immediately at the end of the school day, and came home to relax before my boys arrived home.  I finally started to feel some relief from the migraine early Tuesday evening.

Wednesday, March 7th

Just as I was starting to kick the migraine, my body decided that I hadn’t been through enough.  I started to battle the beginning of a cold on Wednesday, and about an hour after arriving at school asked the school nurse to take my temperature, only to discover that I had a slight fever.  Due to a lack of coverage for my classes, I had no choice but to remain at school and power through teaching while feeling horrible.  If you’ve recently heard rumors about a sub shortage, especially in Northern Virginia, the rumors are in fact true.

Thursday, March 8th

Thankfully I woke up Thursday morning fever free, though I was quite congested.  Since I was able to manage the congestion with cold medicine, and I was very eager to finally work out, I enthusiastically walked into the gym Thursday after work.  It felt so good to sweat and run 4.15 miles.  After my run I did 35 minutes of full body weight training.

It felt so good to work out and sweat after feeling miserable for several days in a row.

Friday, March 9th

Despite being eager to play catch up from not being able to work out for most of the week, there were just too many errands to run and too many chores that I needed to take care of at home after work.  It had been a very long week and I needed to start playing catch up.

Saturday, March 10th

The reason why I needed to spend Friday afternoon and evening taking care of errands and chores was because Saturday involved a day trip to New Jersey for my sister-in-law’s bridal shower.  It was a beautiful shower, but because I left my house at 7:30 a.m. and didn’t get back home until 9:30 p.m., working out was the last thing on my mind that day.

With the bride and my other sister-in-law.  Only 54 days to go until the wedding at Disney World!

Sunday, March 11th

During little man’s nap I was finally able to head out for my long run for the week.  The weather was beautiful: it was sunny and in the high 40s, perfect for a long run.  The weather wasn’t my challenge during this run though, it was the fact that I had chosen to run on a very hilly route.  While it would have been easy to have chosen to run on a less hilly route, I know that running hills, especially during long runs, will make me that much stronger come race day.  After my run, I completed an almost one mile cool down walk.

Smiling because running hills for 10 miles was over with!

Total Weekly Mileage – 15.31 miles (4.86 miles less than week 1)

Total Loudoun Half Mileage – 35.48 miles

QOTD: How do you manage uncontrollable setbacks to your training schedule?

I’m linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking the Long Way Home for the Weekly Wrap link up.  Be sure to check out their posts as well.

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36 Responses to Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 2

  1. kookyrunner says:

    I’m so sorry to hear that you weren’t feeling well this week. My sister also suffers from migraines so I know how debilitating they can be 😦 I’m glad that you are feeling able and that you were able to do your long run this weekend. You’re so right about running hillier routes paying off on race day!

  2. Chaitali says:

    I’m sorry you weren’t feeling well at the beginning of the week 😦 It sounds like you were better for the weekend though and take advantage of that nice running weather on Sunday!

  3. Wendy says:

    Sounds like a rough week! That’s a long time to have a migraine. Glad it finally eased up and you were able to get a nice run in.

  4. Migraines are the worst I have had a few the last couple of years. I had no idea there was a sub shortage in the schools here!

  5. Lesley says:

    I’m doing hills too, and it’s tough. I know I could run on the flatter area in neighborhood, but San Francisco won’t be flat. The weather sounds fantastic for your long run.

  6. Marcia says:

    Oh wow. Sorry about the long migraine. It all seems to hit the fan at once sometimes. Sometimes you just have to go with what life dishes out. Hooray for getting in that long run!

  7. Boo to the migraine! I don’t think I’ve ever had one (I’ve been told that I would know if I’ve had one LOL), but my sister gets them frequently. But, YES, to running hills! They are great for training and work the entire body 😉

  8. God job on your hilly run! I used to avoid hills during my runs but now I try to embrace them and incorporate a few during my longer runs especially. It just makes you stronger like you said.

  9. Karen :0) says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about your migraines! 😦 Glad you’re feeling better, finally!

  10. Migraines are the worst. I got one a mile into a tempo run awhile back and had to limp my way home. Good for you to finish the week out strong!

  11. tonee78 says:

    Despite a rough week you did pretty good. Migraines are the worst. Hag toy were ankle to get some working out in!

  12. Coco says:

    Sounds like your week got off to a rough start but ended well. That looks like a serious hill, but it will pay off!

  13. Ugh! Migraine and then a cold? Talk about adding insult to injury! I hope you are feeling better!

    I’m also glad you were able to get in a great long run. It’s hard when your training gets derailed, but sometimes, if you can get in that one big piece of the puzzle, it’s not so disappointing.

    I hope this week goes better for you.

  14. chrissytherd says:

    I feel like our family spent all of December sick – it really bummed me out with training, because either I didn’t feel like working out while sick – or my son was sick and I couldn’t bring him to the gym daycare. But like all things, it always passes and then you just get back into the swing of it! 🙂

  15. Sad I missed seeing you at Princess! So many people but we had so much fun! Good luck with your next training cycle for your half marathon!

  16. HoHo Runs says:

    I hope you are feeling better. It feels so good to sweat out a cold, if feasible. Despite the challenges you had this week, you still had an impressive long run! It’s very cool your brother (or BIL?) and SIL are getting married at Disney. That will be a fun trip. Thanks for linking.

  17. Health Fitness & some Girl Talk says:

    What are your favorite shoes for running? I am still looking for the most comfortable.

  18. Pingback: Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 3 | From Dancing to Running

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