Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 1

Instead of taking a break in between training cycles, I jumped right into training for the next race on my calendar, the Loudoun Half Marathon on April 22nd.  I ran this race last year and fell only a couple of seconds short of my PR.  I’m hopeful that with some hard work between now and race day that I’ll be able to PR at this year’s race.  Since I want to go for a new PR, there was no time to take a break after returning home last Sunday evening from Princess Half Marathon weekend.

Monday, February 26th

Traveling and two very early race mornings in a row had caught up to me.  I was absolutely exhausted all day long and wound up going to bed very shortly after little man went to bed.  Sleep won out over working out.

Tuesday, February 27th

After getting the most sleep I had since prior to heading to Disney World, I felt rejuvenated.  After work I headed straight to the gym and spent 30 minutes on the elliptical followed by 30 minutes of lower body and abdominal weight training.

Wednesday, February 28th

Wednesday was a very long and stressful day at school, and the best medicine for relieving the stress was going for a run.  4 miles later, I felt so much better.

Sometimes running is the best medicine

Thursday, March 1st

I kicked off the new month at the gym by running a 5k, followed by 30 minutes of full body weight training.

Friday, March 2nd

Friday was a first for me.  Everything in the area, including schools and the federal government, was shut down due to wind.  Windmageddon 2018 delivered the DC area with wind gusts up to 70 mph.  I am very thankful that we never lost power, as it seemed like most people in the area lost power at some point during the storm.  Because daycare was still open it gave Preston and I the opportunity to take care of a lot of chores around the house.  I felt incredibly accomplished by the end of the day.

Saturday, March 3rd

I waited out the wind as long as I could before coming to the realization that the wind was not going to die down enough for me to run outside.  Thus, I wound up at the gym late Saturday afternoon to complete my first long run this training cycle.  I felt strong during the entire six miles.  Hopefully that’s a good sign of what’s to come the rest of the training cycle and on race day.  After my run I completed a one mile cool down walk.

I couldn’t help but smile after completing such a strong long run.

Sunday, March 4th

Cabin fever had set in and late Sunday afternoon we bundled up and headed outside for a family walk.  We all needed the fresh air during our 2.58 mile walk.

Total Weekly Mileage – 20.17 miles

Total Loudoun Half Mileage – 20.17 miles

QOTD: What is your next goal race?

I’m linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking the Long Way Home for the Weekly Wrap link up.  Be sure to check out their posts as well.

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37 Responses to Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 1

  1. kookyrunner says:

    Kudos to you for jumping right into another training plan! That’s not easy to do. I’m sure that you will get a new PR at this race in April because you are so dedicated!

    The weather this weekend was really crazy. The wind did so much more damage that I could imagine.

  2. Wendy says:

    That’s the nice thing about half marathons, you can just start training for another one! I do love that the distance isn’t as taxing on the body as a marathon. I hope you can crush last year’s finish time!

  3. Chaitali says:

    The wind really was crazy this week! I was surprised things were cancelled Friday just for wind but once I saw branches blowing around on our street, I understood. We had gone out for a bit of a walk Saturday and it was crazy how windy it still was even on Saturday.

  4. It was crazy windy here this past weekend as well. I like the shirts for this year’s Princess challenge. Cute headband! Great job jumping into another longer run shortly after completing a race. And even on the treadmill. I hate doing long runs on the Mill.

  5. Lesley says:

    There’s no better way to relieve stress than running. some days I only function because I know I’ll be running.

  6. Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says:

    Great job on Week 1! The beginning of a new training plan is always so exciting! I was a bit out of the loop so I need to catch up and see how everything went in Disney for you!

  7. chrissytherd says:

    Ooooh, I’m wishing all the best to you through this training cycle and hope you get that PR!

    I had a half marathon scheduled in May, but last month had a slipped disc in my back which meant no running for weeks. I finally got to start again last week, so I’m not sure if I’ll be ready for my May race, but def my June one!

  8. It seems like a seldom ever “train” for half marathons anymore…except for the first one of the season. I have a 10K this coming weekend, then a 13.1 on the 17th. I have another 13.1 on April 22, which I’m hoping for a sub-2:00 … I guess that would be my next “goal” race.

  9. Wow good for you for diving right back into training! I remember how close you came to a PR at Loudoun last year – hopefully this time around you’ll hit it for sure! Good luck with your training!

  10. Great work! Sometimes jumping into the next training cycle is a lot easier than taking a break and coming back.

    Beautiful snow, at least to this Florida girl. I hope you are staying warm and safe up there!

  11. Kudos for jumping right back! I need a whiles to mentally recover even if I’m physically ready.

  12. akepolito1 says:

    Way to keep the motivation going! Although the storm really stunk, I actually needed an excuse to stay in most of the day. Keep up the great work!

  13. I have never done the Loudon half but I’ve heard good things. We have had some crazy weather lately. Hope this week is better!

  14. HoHo Runs says:

    Why is it we need vacations after returning home from Disney? LOL. I’m usually exhausted! How exciting to be jumping right back in and training for your next half (sounds like me!). I hope you have a better weather week. Thanks for linking!

  15. Nice job getting back into it! I don’t have a goal race on my calendar right now but I’m majorly itching to get one scheduled!

  16. angela@marathonsandmotivation.com says:

    I love the half marathon distance because you can recover fairly easily from them! Great job hopping back into training!!

  17. Wow, I did not realize the wind was that crazy! My dad is just outside DC but didn’t mention it.
    Great job on your runs this week! I have a feeling you will PR your race!
    I am just easing back into running after 2+ years away so I am looking for a late spring 5k to get my mojo back 🙂

  18. Karen :0) says:

    So sorry about the crazy wind but I’m glad you were able to make the most of it and get your miles in anyway! Congrats on another great week! I know you’re going to do amazing at this half!!

  19. Pingback: Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 2 | From Dancing to Running

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