Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 1

I’m not going to lie, I was a bit lacking in the motivation department this past week.  Between last Saturday’s disappointing race, and the couple of inches of snow that fell Monday night and during the day on Tuesday, I had trouble finding the desire to stay on top of my training for most of the week.

Monday, March 13th

Since I knew we had snow heading our way, I wanted to ensure that I got my first run of the week in before there were any obstacles on the ground.  The incoming snow helped me push myself a little harder during Monday’s run, and I was able to run at a much faster pace than many of my recent runs have been at.  I also ran negative splits!  9:29, 9:22, 9:18, 9:05

After last Saturday’s disappointing half marathon, it felt so good to run fast for my first run post race. What made the run even better was that my hubby and little man pulled into the driveway as I arrived back home and were able to celebrate with me!

Tuesday, March 14th

Even though we only received a couple of inches of snow from Snowstorm Stella, we finally had our first snow day of the year!  I took the opportunity with the day off from work to work on a number of chores around the house.  It felt great to get a lot done.

Wednesday, March 15th

Both little man and I had a chiropractor appointment after school, which left me no time to head to the gym (and running outside wasn’t an option due to the ice).  I did do 10 minutes of strength training though.

Thursday, March 16th

My plans were completely thrown for a loop.  I had planned to go to the gym after work to run on the treadmill due to the snow and ice covered sidewalks, but that plan was thrown out the window when I received a phone call from little man’s daycare that he had a fever and needed to be picked up.  By the time that Preston got home from work, I didn’t have enough time to drive to and from the gym, and run, so instead I headed out the door and zigzagged/ran circles in the few ice free areas in our neighborhood.  The whole situation made for a slow run, and running in circles was also mentally exhausting.

I spent my entire run zigzagging and running in circles in order to avoid as much ice as possible. Have I mentioned how much I hate winter?!?

Friday, March 17th

Little man was still sick, and I just didn’t have it in me to work out.

Saturday, March 18th

Some of the snow and ice had melted, so I figured that the sidewalks would be clear enough to run on.  The extra challenge was pushing the BOB stroller on the areas where there was still lots of snow and ice, and areas where running on the road wasn’t realistic.  It was definitely a challenging long run, but little man and I did it, but boy was my upper body sore from the experience!  Between the hills and the areas where I had to push the stroller on slushy sidewalks, my splits were far from consistent: 10:36, 10:22, 10:22, 10:41, 10:20, 10:43, 11:10.

Pushing the BOB along snowy and icy sidewalks is anything but easy, but little man and I conquered 7 stroller miles together yesterday! Thank goodness the sidewalks didn’t look like this for our entire run!

Sunday, March 19th

I woke up in the middle of the night with a migraine, which didn’t go away until mid-afternoon.  In between running errands, taking care of chores around the house, and going to a friend’s house for dinner, I did my best to lay low to get rid of the migraine.

Total Weekly Mileage – 16.22 miles

Total Loudoun Half Mileage – 16.22 miles

QOTD: How do you rebound mentally after a disappointing race?

I’m linking up with Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for the Weekly Wrap link up.  I’m also linking up with Courtney for the Training Recap link up.  Be sure to check out their posts as well.

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38 Responses to Loudoun Half Marathon Training Log – Week 1

  1. Rebounding from a tough race takes time…and it’s different for each person (as you probably know). It took me several weeks to come full circle following my Route 66 snafu, but now I can look back on that experience with pride and satisfaction despite the disappointing finish time. I also had the revelation that even though my finish time was not what I’d trained for, it still was a decent finish time. Chin up 😉

  2. kookyrunner says:

    Mother Nature kind of messed up my workout plans this week as well. Luckily I think this week looks good (weather wise) so hopefully some of the snow and ice melts!

  3. wow you are brave pushing the stroller on that ice! we have crappy races your training has been solid and you will see that in a few weeks I am sure

  4. hanzelboyzmama says:

    That’s the sign of a strong runner to get out in those conditions and get it done! Zig-zaggin is hard! And, when will all this sickness end. I hope you little guy is doing well!

  5. After a disappointing race, I try to get to the bottom of what happened and figure out how I can improve in the future. Glad to see you signed up for a new race!

  6. Marcia says:

    Sorry it was a tough week and I hope your little guy is feeling better. I do not envy you one but pushing that stroller through that ice and snow. Yikes!

  7. Great job on your mileage despite the snow and icy conditions! We had a long week and I only managed 12 miles for the week. Just plain tired! I had a terrible half back in November so I signed up for another one to redeem myself and it worked! I hope you have a great week and nice weather!

  8. Lesley says:

    I sometimes mope after a tough race, and if it’s a big race, I need time to rest and recover. It’s good to skip runs and not have to do any training during recovery.

  9. Last June it took me 2-3 weeks to move on from a very disappointing race, mind you our dog passed away 2 days before the race. I use took a break from running and did other things that felt good.
    Today we are on snow day #13 for the school year!!!+

  10. Ivanna says:

    looks like a good week to me. I know how lacking motivation can feel, but good on you for getting some work done anyway.

  11. I’ve learned my lessons over the years–I don’t ever want to be as disappointed as I was with my first marathon. So now I set a few goals (like so many of you do) and I always want to make sure I have fun. Because why do it otherwise!

    Look at this training as a new beginning!

  12. Rachel says:

    Ugh waking up to migraines is the WORST. When I get them in the middle of the night they usually stick around for a few days, too. Not cool.

    Sorry you had a bum week. Next week will be better. xo

  13. Lisa says:

    That Saturday run looks so tough! I hate when sidewalks aren’t cleared for many days after it snows. The snow just packs down and turns into ice. Nice job getting out there!

  14. Ugh. What a rough week for you. I’ve done the whole running in circles thing and it just drains your will to do anything.

    Usually, I will sign up immediately for another race if things don’t go the way I had hoped. Maybe not the smartest way, but redemption feels good.

    I hope you get some warmer temps soon!

  15. Wow, I bet pushing the stroller on those side walk conditions was tough. I’m glad you were safe.

    About your disappointing race, just know that you did the best you could during that time. Think of it as a PR in such windy conditions! you’ll have another race and you’ll bounce right back!

  16. Karen :0) says:

    Despite all the setbacks, you still had a great week! Sorry your little guy has been so sick! We are currently experiencing our first bout of it now. 😦 No fun, that’s for sure!

  17. MB Jackson says:

    You are one tough mama for pushing that BOB stroller thru snow and ice! I hope everyone is feeling better and you are off to a much better week!

  18. angela@marathonsandmotivation.com says:

    Sounds like a tough week, but I am super impressed at your run with the stroller in the ice & snow! I always think of my bad races (I’ve had plenty) as “learning experiences”!

  19. Hopefully things are looking up! When I have a disappointing race I allow myself to digest the outcome for a few days and then try to focus on learning from what didn’t go well. Hope Little Man is feeling better!

  20. Nice job on the negative split run Monday! Sorry that little man has been sick, no fun for him or you.
    Be proud of accomplishing what you could with a crazy week!

    I tend to just tell myself that I will do better next time. It can bring you down, but I tend to go into races with A and B goals now, so if I can’t perform well, I usually shoot to enjoy the run. But, if it’s a big race I’ve been pushing myself for, that can be a bit more disappointing and take time to rebound from.

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