2015 Clarendon Day 10k Recap (and Run Now Beer Later Recap)

Disclaimer: As a Gone for a Run Ambassador, I received a complimentary virtual race entry.  As always, all opinions are my own.

2015 Clarendon Day 10k Recap

A week and a half ago I ran my last long race for this pregnancy.  While I’ll be toeing the start line of a half marathon in another three and a half weeks, I’ll be walking the majority of that race.  And after the pain I experienced during and after Clarendon Day, I’m very happy with the decision that I have made about Rock ‘n’ Roll Philly.

I was very excited going into race day.  Preston wasn’t initially going to be able to come with me to the race, but a last minute change to his calendar allowed him to come.  That, coupled with being able to see a number of other bloggers, made this race that much more exciting.

Preston and I arrived in Clarendon around 8:00 a.m., which is when the 5k started.  We had no issues finding parking, and within five minutes of arriving had both my race bib and t-shirt.  We walked back to the car to drop off my shirt, and still had plenty of time to hit up a local coffee shop so that Preston could get himself a cup of coffee and we could both use a real bathroom.  Around 8:45 we headed out towards the start line.  The race was self seeded, and I positioned myself in the middle of the crowd on the far right side of the course, knowing that I’d be relying heavily on run-walk intervals during the race.  The race started at 9:00 sharp, and as I started, Preston wished me good luck.

My plan going into the race was to try and maintain my 2:15/0:45 run-walk intervals.  With the first 1.5 miles of the race almost all downhill, it was certainly tempting to keep running for longer than my planned two minutes and 15 seconds.  At a couple of points during that first part of the race I ran an extra minute when the course took us on a steep downhill.  While I wanted to take advantage of the downhill, I also didn’t want to overexert myself, especially during the first part of the race.

Photo Credit: Pacers Running

Photo Credit: Pacers Running

After running down what’s called the “hill of death” in Rosslyn (running uphill on it is a huge challenge), the course took us out onto the highway headed towards the Pentagon.  After the “hill of death” the course leveled out, and the remainder of the course had slight elevation increases and decreases.  I felt strong until about 3.5 miles into the race, when I found myself feeling more and more pressure from the baby, as well as some round ligament pain.

The further that I ran, the more that I wanted to walk.  But I tried to talk myself out of the “need” to walk and focused on maintaining my 2:15/0:45 intervals.  While my pace slowed significantly, I tried to focus less on my pace and more on just putting one foot in front of the other.  There was a turnaround point on the course around 4.5 miles, and the course doubled back on itself.  It was definitely a mental help to see that I wasn’t the last runner, or close to it, which is part of what helped to keep pushing me forward past the pressure and pain.

I slowly but surely made my way towards the finish line, and finished at 1:10:24 (11:20 pace).  Given that my pace was all over the place, and that I was in pain during most of the second half of the race, I’m impressed that I ran this race as quickly as I did.

clarendon day splits

Clearly I not only stopped my watch a few seconds late (oops!), but I also took advantage of those downhills during the first part of the race.

After crossing the finish line, I immediately saw Preston, as well as a handful of other local bloggers.  It was great to be able to catch up with everybody, as well as to help cheer in a couple of other bloggers as they crossed the finish line.


Post race with Caitlin, Courtney, Kathryn (yes, we spell our name the same way!), Julie, and Jenny

Although part of the race packet included a Metro ticket to get back up the hill to the start line area, we all opted to walk instead.  While I was in pain, I know that walking and letting my body stretch itself out was a better option than potentially tightening up during the short Metro ride back up into Clarendon.

And while 10k runners did not receive medals (only double participants did – those who ran both the 5k followed by the 10k), I did still earn a medal for running Clarendon Day since I also completed the “Run Now Beer Later Virtual 10k” that morning.  It was nice to be able to come home and put my hard earned bling around my neck.  The medal was a great way to commemorate my last long race that I’ll run until after the baby is born.  And I’ll be cashing in on my hard earned beer after my little guy’s arrival.

bib and medal

Like I shared a couple of days after this race, Clarendon Day was a good indicator of what my body is able to handle at this point in my pregnancy.  Three miles seems to be my threshold before pressure and round ligament pain set in, and I’ll be limiting myself to running that distance between now and when the baby is born.  But I definitely look forward to returning to higher mileage runs after the baby is born, especially when I’ll be working towards getting my pre-pregnancy body back!

QOTD: What race have you recently run that was physically and mentally challenging?

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56 Responses to 2015 Clarendon Day 10k Recap (and Run Now Beer Later Recap)

  1. You are being very wise in deciding what your body is capable of at this point in your pregnancy. Nothing is worth risking your health or your babies health with just a few months until delivery. That 10k course you ran looks like a really fun one for a PR attempt. I always enjoy the downhill portion of races, but maybe being at the beginning trashes your quads for the rolling hills afterwards. The DC area certainly offers many races to choose from!

  2. Coco says:

    It’s so important to listen to your body – especially when you’re pregnant. I didn’t even start running until my kids were older so I can’t even imagine!

  3. I had a lot of pelvic/hip pain when I was running pregnant (with both girls). I ended up getting a brace which helped for a bit but then I had to just stop running and do other things like prenatal yoga. It’s important to listen to your body when pregnant…I always felt like my body wasn’t my own 😉

  4. Congratulations! Also, including a Metro ticket for back up is something else. I can’t imagine NYRR including a Metrocard for a subway ride back up/downtown for 5-6 miles…

  5. I loved that race last year! Always fun to be able to meet up with other bloggers IRL.

  6. Haha, the “hill of death”! Altho I shouldn’t laugh because I don’t want to run it!

    You are doing an amazing job keeping up with your fitness while growing that baby!

  7. Lesley says:

    I don’t know if round ligament pain is similar to ITBS, but I know all about pain during races. It’s so important to listen to your body.

  8. great job listening to your body – and great job on this race! seriously, that time is impressive! always great to see so many bloggers in person.

  9. That is scary you were in so much pain at times. But you are smart to know what is too much and what is too far. You’re going to love that little baby far more than finishing any past races fast, that is for sure!
    Although, even though you felt slow, your time is still pretty good considering the trouble you were having. Great job girl!!!!
    This seems like such a fun race, I love that they put a picture of courtney from EatPrayRunDC on the bib!!!!

  10. Alaina @ thesimplepeach says:

    It’s been fun reading everyone’s recap of this race. Listening to your body is so important. You rocked it!

  11. Becki S says:

    Love that medal. Killer hill!!!

  12. Kelli says:

    I’m so impressed by your dedication to running in pregnancy! I had no such focus on fitness during my pregnancies and it took me much longer to get back into shape afterwards (like, 8 years). Good for you to listen to your body also, and not push it to risk your health.

  13. Maureen says:

    Great job listening to your body. I bet you can’t wait until you get to enjoy that beer next time! 🙂

  14. has2run says:

    Congrats on a speedy race!!! Our bodies have a way of letting us know what we can and cannot do. Have a great day

  15. Woohoo, look at all the awesome Oiselle runners at the race!
    Good for you for listening to your body AND keeping active while pregnant.

  16. Great job listening to your body and deciding to lower your mileage! And I just LOVE that baby bump!!! So cute!!!

  17. cassi9879b says:

    Great job listening to your body and adjusting your pace throughout the race!

  18. Running in pain is never fun (obviously…lol). I’ve run several races in pain this year because they were races I had already signed up for and I didn’t want to miss out. Thank goodness I didn’t injure myself worse, but looking back it wasn’t a good idea!

    Maybe next year you can run this race pushing a stroller!

  19. bendiful says:

    A 10K I’m crazy jealous I have been searching for a good fall 10k race and I can’t find one…great job lady!

  20. First of all, you look amazing, and GREAT RACE! You’re such an inspiration. Sounds like you’re doing what’s best for you (and the little one!) when it comes to your training/racing, which is all you can do, right? 🙂

  21. Good job and good job for listening to your body too. Running while pregnant can be so uncomfortable. You are doing such a great job of taking care of yourself and staying healthy while pregnant.

  22. natrunsfar says:

    Great job on your race!!! And super fun to meet up with great bloggers!

  23. nicakins says:

    I think that it’s amazing that you are running while pregnant. I have been a runner for a million years but when I was pregnant I was too scared. I was a whimp so I really admire you for not stopping and listening to your body! Congrats on your runs and your pregnancy. Nic-

  24. Great recap! It was so fun to get to hang out with you and Preston for a bit! 🙂

  25. You rocked it-I am so jealous of all of the fun and cool races the DC area has! and congrats on listening to your body-you are doing such a great job!

  26. Jennifer says:

    Congrats on finishing the 10K and cheering me on the finish. It was a tough one!

  27. Pingback: 15 in 2015 Update #2 | From Dancing to Running

  28. Pingback: 2015 Year in Review | From Dancing to Running

  29. Pingback: Friday Five – Five Possible Races to Run in 2017 | From Dancing to Running

  30. Pingback: Friday Five – My Fall Race Calendar | From Dancing to Running

  31. Pingback: My Goals for This Weekend’s Races | From Dancing to Running

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