2015 Dulles Day 5k on the Runway Recap

Disclaimer: As a For Two Fitness® Ambassador, I received a complimentary “Running for Two” tank top.  No additional compensation was received.  As always, all opinions are my own.

dulles 5k recap

Ten days ago, I ran my third Dulles Day race.  After running the 5k during the inaugural race year, when the 5k was the only distance offered, and after running the 10k last year, I opted to run the 5k again this year.  There were a number of reasons that went into my choice of opting to run the 5k, which included that I had just run Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach two weeks prior to the race and that our baby shower was the afternoon of the race.

In hindsight, I’m very glad that I chose to “just” run  the 5k.  Ten days ago, I ran a very strong race, and it felt amazing at 26 weeks pregnant to run what felt like a very solid race.  Since my runs have been very inconsistent lately, especially when it comes to the amount of round ligament that I experience while running.  I never know whether it will be a good day or a bad day for running when I lace my running shoes up and head out the door.

The race started and ended at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum’s Udvar-Hazy Center, which is only about 15 minutes from our house.  Since Preston had also picked up our race packets the afternoon before the race, we decided to leave our house only about 45 minutes before the start of the race.  By just after 7:00, we were parked and I was in line to use the real bathrooms inside of the museum.  Real bathrooms at any race, especially when you’re pregnant, is well worth the wait, despite the fact that we were told that there weren’t any lines outside at the porta potties near the start/finish area.

Just before the race started we met up with Jenny and her friend Rachel, who both ran the 10k.  After wishing each other good luck, we parted ways, since the 10k started ten minutes after the 5k, and at a different start line.  Preston and I headed out towards the 5k start line, and just as the race got ready to start, wished each other good luck.  Although Preston ran Virginia Beach with me, he decided to run at his own, much faster, pace at this race.

with Jenny

Jenny and I before the start of the race

The first three quarters of a mile of the race were on the service road between the museum and the Dulles Airport runway.  And as we turned onto the runway, it was clear that there was lots of excitement among all of us running the race.  When you combine the flat course that a runway offers, in addition to running past a commercial airplane, it just helps propel you forward and makes you want to run as fast as you can, which is exactly what I did.

running past a plane

Even though this was the third year in a row that I ran this race, running on a runway past a commercial airplane will never get old!

Thankfully, my pregnant body cooperated that day, and the further I ran the faster that I felt I was running.  Though I didn’t quite run negative splits, mainly due to my inconsistent walk breaks since I was trying to enjoy the scenery as much as I could and lost track of my intervals on my Garmin, there were certainly times when I felt like I was flying at my pre-pregnancy 5k pace, no pun intended :).

Photo Credit: Potomac River Running

Photo Credit: Potomac River Running

The 5k course was a loop course, which took runners out part way down the runway before we looped back on the parallel runway.  (The main difference between the 5k and 10k courses was that the 10k course took runners along the entire length of the runways.)  The only part of the course that repeated itself was the service road between the museum and the runway itself.  The closer I got to the finish line, the more confident I felt about meeting one of my goal finish times.

Photo Credit: Potomac River Running

Photo Credit: Potomac River Running

I crossed the finish line at 33:29 (10:47 pace), just shy of meeting my A goal.  But I wasn’t disappointed in myself at all.  I felt great while running, I crossed the finish with a smile on my face, and I didn’t experience any round ligament pain that morning.  It was a great morning for a race!

dulles day 5k

And sporting my For Two Fitness® “Running for Two” tank was just the icing on the cake.  It felt amazing to show off that I was a pregnant runner on a morning when I felt absolutely fantastic while running.  I’ve previously shared what I love about the For Two Fitness line, and the fact that their clothes are cute just adds to their appeal.  My post race photo with my medal is one that I’ll certainly treasure and have to show off to my little guy once he’s old enough to appreciate just how great I felt running at 26 weeks pregnant during the Dulles Day race.

Preston and I post race with our medals

Preston and I post race with our medals

QOTD: What’s one of your proudest race stories?

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40 Responses to 2015 Dulles Day 5k on the Runway Recap

  1. Jennifer says:

    I finally got to run this race – yay! Glad we were able to meet up and thanks to you and Preston for staying for our finish 🙂

  2. Karen :0) says:

    Great job with the 5K! I’m glad you felt great and had a good run that morning! The course looks like a nice one! 🙂

  3. Jamie says:

    Congratulations – what a fabulous race!!

  4. Lesley says:

    That sounds like such a fun race.

  5. So amazing! The concept of this race is awesome, and you rocked it!

  6. Congratulations! I totally agree on the benefit of real bathrooms before/during races (one reason why Disney races are awesome…) And the For Two line is adorable, I recommended it to a friend who’s expecting and she said her two tanks were great investments.

  7. You rock, girl!!! I’m glad you had a great race. It looks really cool and the scenery (airplane and all) is beautiful!

  8. What a great location for a race! I’d love to run on a runway 🙂

  9. That’s awesome! I love the idea of running on a runway! You should be so proud of yourself!

    The tank is adorable!

  10. How fun to be able to run on a runway! I love that picture with the jet!

  11. Sue @ This Mama Runs For Cupcakes says:

    I really need to put this on my list for next year. I would love to run on the runway! And I’m sure my boys would love to come out and spectate that!

  12. Sounds like a great race! One of my best running memories was winning a 5k when I was pregnant with baby #2. I always say, “the serious runners did the 10k.” 😉

  13. so fun. you and preston are just so cute. i’m glad we got to spend some time together saturday. i might need to run this next year – it seems really fun!

  14. Congratulations!! That looks like such a fun race! Love the shirt – it’ll be a great souvenir along with your medal for the great race you had 🙂

  15. What an awesome race! Congratulations!! 🙂

  16. natrunsfar says:

    The picture of you running on the runway with the commercial plane is so awesome!! What a fun race. We like to take our kids to our local airport to watch the planes land and hang out. My kids would have loved this race 🙂
    And more kudos to you for another successful race during pregnancy! You ROCK!!!

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  24. Pingback: 2017 Dulles Day 10k on the Runway Recap | From Dancing to Running

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