Friday Five – Five Things I’m Looking Forward to About the Clarendon Day 10k

Tomorrow morning I’ll running the Clarendon Day 10k in Arlington.  This will be my second year running this race (I first ran it last year).  Though I contemplated signing up for the Clarendon Day Double this year (5k followed by the 10k, similar to what I did back in March for the St. Patrick’s Day Double), I decided that at 27 weeks pregnant that a double race was not in my best interest.

After last year's Clarendon Day 10k

After last year’s Clarendon Day 10k

I’m looking forward to this race for a number of reasons:

1.  This will be my 13th race of the year.  I’m still on my quest to complete 15 races this year.  My 14th race will be Rock ‘n’ Roll Philly, but my 15th race still remains undecided.

2.  The course is a net downhill.  The majority of the downhill occurs during the first 1.5 miles of the race, after which the course has slight elevation increases and decreases.

Photo Credit: Pacers Running

Photo Credit: Pacers Running

3.  Preston will be there to support me.  When I initially signed up for this race, he had other plans on his calendar for the morning.  However, those plans have since fallen through, so now he’ll join me in Arlington to cheer me on during the race.

4.  Several other DC area bloggers will also be running this race.  I know that both Courtney and Jenny will be there.  And I feel like a couple of others also told me that they’d be there but I honestly can’t remember who!

With Courtney from Eat Pray Run DC, Julie from Diving into the Gene Pool, Sue from This Mama Runs for Cupcakes, and Mar from Mar on the Run

With Courtney from Eat Pray Run DC, Julie from Diving into the Gene Pool, Sue from This Mama Runs for Cupcakes, and Mar from Mar on the Run after last year’s race

5.  It’ll likely be the last race I run before our little guy’s arrival.  Running is becoming progressively more difficult and I’ll be seriously evaluating how much more I’ll be running, if at all, after tomorrow’s race.  Some days running goes fine and is completely pain free, while other days are a completely different story.

QOTD: What race is next on your calendar?  What about the race are you looking forward to?

As always, thank you to the DC Trifecta Bloggers (Courtney from Eat Pray Run DC, Mar from Mar on the Run, and Cynthia from You Signed Up For What?!) for hosting the weekly Friday Five Link Up.  Be sure to check out their posts as well!


Also, if you haven’t entered my SmartyPants Vitamins Giveaway, be sure to do so!  The giveaway runs until September 30, 2015 at 11:59 pm EST.

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42 Responses to Friday Five – Five Things I’m Looking Forward to About the Clarendon Day 10k

  1. Jennifer says:

    I’m excited for this course 🙂 Looking forward to seeing you again!

  2. Coco says:

    This is such a popular race! I didn’t sign up b/c I was going to do the Reston 10 Miler Sunday, but I had to drop b/c of a business trip. I hope it’s a great “last race” for you.

  3. My next race is the Poland Spring Marathon Kickoff October 26th, it’s #7 of my 9 to qualify for NYCM next year!

    A net downhill and support squad both sound great, you’ll do amazing!

  4. I hope you have a great race Kathryn!!! My next race is the Gulf Coast Half Marathon in Mandeville, LA in October!

  5. I hope to see you tomorrow! have a great race!!

  6. mkadens1 says:

    Have a great race! Net downhill is my kind of course! I’m looking forward to having my marathon out of the way (in 9 days!) and most excited to have fun at RnR Vegas!

  7. It’s no wonder your looking forward to this race too, downhill how awesome is that! Good luck and have fun! Love the pictures of all of yall!

  8. That’s nice that it worked out that Preston can come support you for this race now. It’s always fun seeing other runners/bloggers that you connect w at races. Feels like your not running it alone.

  9. Lesley says:

    Good luck! You’ve been doing a great job keeping up with running while pregnant.

  10. see you tomorrow! weather should be MUCH better than last year (when i seriously thought i might pass out after the finish). 🙂

  11. You have done so many races this year! Really impressive. I did the double last year it’s tough to do as you also have to walk back from the finish to start line in between.

  12. Sounds like a fun race, have a great time! Crazy to think it could be your last race before you become a super awesome running mama. 😉 Enjoy it!

  13. Good luck in your race! Sounds like fun. My next race is the Honolulu Marathon in December, though I may do the Tram Road Race in October (3.7 miles almost straight up, which just happens to be the race that I first met, then three years later, married my husband at).

  14. Karen @ Fit in France says:

    Have fun ! Hope the weather and conditions are great.

  15. That elevation chart looks heavenly! Have fun!

  16. Hope you had a great race Kathryn. I would love to do that one with that elevation….looks like a perfect PR course.

  17. Karen :0) says:

    Hope the race went well!! I love that this course doesn’t have much elevation to it! I’m going to be in the same boat as you are for RnR NOLA….I’ll be around 33 weeks and am not quite sure what to do!

  18. Sue @ This Mama Runs For Cupcakes says:

    So bummed I couldn’t be there today! Hope you had a great race!

  19. jillconyers says:

    The last race before your little guy arrives. That’s monumental considering how much your running life will change. Not in a bad way. Just different.

  20. Pingback: Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon Training Log – Week 3 | From Dancing to Running

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