I’m a For Two Fitness Ambassador!

Over the past couple of days, you may have noticed that a new badge has been added to the sidebar of this blog.  A couple of weeks ago, I was accepted as a For Two Fitness Ambassador, which is an honor that I don’t take lightly.


My mindset and approach thus far in my pregnancy, and what I hope to continue practicing, is that staying active and fit will not only ease my discomfort during pregnancy, but that it’ll make delivery easier and that it will also make it easier to get back to my pre-pregnancy fitness routine after delivery.  Although there have been plenty of days over the past 13.5 weeks that I have been exhausted and not wanted to work out, I’m so happy that most days I’ve still pushed myself out the door.

One of the reasons I applied to be a For Two Fitness ambassador is because of the company’s commitment to helping pregnant women maintain a healthy and active lifestyle throughout pregnancy.  Their vision fits my pregnancy fitness goals, and I could not be more honored to represent this company.

For Two Fitness

As the baby has grown and my belly has started expanding, its become more and more difficult to dress my body, whether its for work, running, or everyday life.  I cannot even begin to count the number of articles of clothing that I’ve ordered online or tried on in a store that have come nowhere close to fitting, especially when it comes to shirts.  My biggest challenge is that I’m short (5’3″) with a short torso.  The majority of my non-maternity shirts are Petite sizes, but very little Maternity clothing is available in Petite sizing, especially when it comes to shirts.

The majority of the Maternity workout shirts that I have tried on are super long on me, reaching well past my behind, some almost to my knees.  The last thing you want when you’re working out and sweating is extra fabric that will just become drenched in sweat.  Thankfully, the For Two Fitness tops haven’t been on the long side, at least in the size that I’ve found fits best.  Not only do their tops fit well, but they are also super comfortable, and I feel cute while wearing them.

Before the start of the Fit Foodie 5k on Saturday

Before the start of the Fit Foodie 5k on Saturday

In the couple of weeks that I’ve been wearing their tops, I cannot tell you how much more comfortable I’ve been while working out.  My regular workout bottoms still fit (thank goodness for elastic and drawstrings!), so I can’t comment on the For Two Fitness bottoms yet, but I have a couple pairs of capris ready to go when I need them.

If you know me, then you know that I’m honest, and I’m not bluffing when I tell you that I love the For Two Fitness line.  I cannot wait to continue working out throughout my pregnancy while sporting their clothing.

And good news, if you’re pregnant (or are planning to become pregnant soon) For Two Fitness is offering readers 30% off all merchandise, excluding gift cards.  Just use code DANCING2RUNNING.  The discount is valid until July 18, 2015.

QOTD: What is your biggest challenge when it comes to dressing your body?

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49 Responses to I’m a For Two Fitness Ambassador!

  1. Staying active while pregnant will definitely keep you more comfortable! When I stopped being active, my feet and ankles swelled so much.

    My legs are long, so it’s hard to find pants that fit my hips and have the right length.

  2. Congrats! The clothes look great on you!

  3. I love their stuff. I know when that day comes for me I’d be ordering some For Two Fitness gear.

  4. Lesley says:

    I think they’re stuff is super cute, congrats!

  5. congrats! you looked super cute on Saturday.

  6. Congrats!!! It’s so important to stay active not only for your comfort, but also for the health of your baby! He/she is going to come out ready to run 🙂

  7. Jamie says:

    Congratulations! Such exciting news – you totally deserve it!! : )

  8. Sabrina Alexandra says:

    Congrats! You’ll be a great addition to the other ambassadors!

  9. Congrats! I am sending this to my BFF – she is expecting her first too, and she is currently living in a couple Lululemon outfits because they’re expensive and she spends most days in workout gear!

  10. Congratulations! I have an amazing yoga pregnancy book to send to you if you are interested?

  11. That is so exciting, Congraulations!!!!!!

  12. Stephanie says:

    Congratulations!!!! A fit, healthy pregnancy is so important, good for you!

  13. congrats on the great ambassadorship-the clothes look awesome!

  14. Congrats! You should try pre-natal yoga, its a great way to still stay active and moving!

  15. congrats on the ambassadorship! You’ll be a great ambassador. I saw a pregnant woman on the run this morning.

  16. Shawna says:

    echoing everyone’s “congrats”! biggest issue with dressing, hmmm…trying to convince myself to wear anything that’s NOT workout clothes? 🙂 i guess pants…i wear diff sizes in every store and have shorter legs, so it can be hard to find ones i really like.

  17. runsaltrun says:

    They are so lucky to have you on board! You are the PERFECT ambassador for them! Congratulations!! ❤

  18. Staying active while pregnant is going to be such a great thing for your pregnancy! I wish I’d been active during my two pregnancies. I wasn’t running then unfortunately. Congrats on the ambassadorship!!! And yay for short girls!!! I’m 5’3 too so I feel your pain with the clothes! 😉

  19. Chaitali says:

    Very cool! I had no idea that there was a company that specialized in fitness clothing for pregnant women. That’s a great idea and definitely fills a need.

  20. Congratulations! My baby making days are over… but this would have been great when I was younger.

  21. Congrats! They are awesome, I am also an ambassador.

  22. GiselleR says:

    Congrats! (on the pregnancy and on the ambassadorship!) I’m 5 ft 8 with a short torso and long legs so it’s hard for me to find long workout pants that actually fit all the way down to my ankles. Same with jeans. Leggings and boots are my best friends in winter cuz the boots hide how short the leggings actually are and in the summer I stick with dresses LOL

  23. elenasonnino says:

    Congrats! I am past my baby days but I know a few friends who would love these pieces!

  24. eliz frank says:

    Congratulations! What an exciting time for both pregnancy and ambassadorship… I hope you will keep us posted on your journey.

  25. Pingback: 2015 Year in Review | From Dancing to Running

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