On The Road to Recovery and My First Post Hospital Run

First of all, thank you everybody for all of your prayers, crossed fingers, and words of encouragement.  I’m truly blessed to be surrounded in my nonblogging and nonrunning life by so many people who love and care about me, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have so many of you, many of whom I’ve only met virtually, care so much about my well being as well.

Preston and I met with the neurologist yesterday morning.  While we are still left with some unanswered questions, some of our questions were answered.  One of the doctor’s biggest concerns is ensuring that I’m starting to do all I can to relax and destress.  He’s also focused on doing so with as little medicine as possible, which I truly appreciate.  Another one of his concerns is the lack of strength that became apparent in my left hand in the middle of last week.  After about 15 minutes of strength and touch tests this morning, it was quite apparent that I have lost a lot of strength and sense of touch in my left hand.  While he said that my hand is another sign that I could have had a TIA, he’s hesitant to confirm such a diagnosis because of my age.  He does, however, agree with his colleague’s diagnosis of migraine with aura, and believes that I may have also experienced what’s called a complicated, or complex, migraine.

The good news that came out of yesterday’s appointment is that I’m not only cleared to go back to work but to also resume most of my normal exercise regime.  He also said that, if I’m feeling up to it, that he has no problem with me running my half marathon this weekend.  He is actually encouraging me to quickly resume my normal training routine, making accommodations as necessary for my left hand.  The two additions he wants me to make to my routine are incorporating yoga, which is also one of my monthly goals, as well as hand strengthening exercises for my left hand.

After spending nearly 50 minutes with the neurologist yesterday morning, Preston and I both felt quite comfortable moving forward with this particular neurologist, who will be monitoring me in the weeks and months to come, and doing additional testing as needed.

After receiving the go ahead to resume running, I was excited to get a run in yesterday evening.  With the arrival of beautiful weather this past weekend, I knew that I had to complete my first post hospital run outside.  To top off my excitement, my new Mizuno Wave Inspire 10s arrived over the weekend.

I won a free pair of running shoes from Road Runner Sports as part of a contest they had several weeks ago!

I won a free pair of running shoes from Road Runner Sports as part of a contest they had several weeks ago!

After quickly trying on my new shoes, I knew I had to complete my first run in them.  Preston joined me, and we completed a 2.5 mile run around the neighborhood.  Even though it felt great to put my running shoes on and get outside for a run, it was evident during my run that my nearly two weeks off from running, and most exercise altogether, has me unprepared to run Rock ‘n’ Roll USA the way I wanted to when I first registered for the race.  We’ll see how the rest of the week goes, and I’ll make a last minute decision about this race as Saturday approaches.

QOTD: How do you get back into your training routine after being sick or injured?

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14 Responses to On The Road to Recovery and My First Post Hospital Run

  1. I’m glad to hear you were able to have some questions answered and that you like your doctor – so important!
    Wishing you continued health 🙂
    Karen @karenlovestorun

  2. Yay!!! So happy to hear you’re doing better and got the all clear! Good luck with your run and keep doing what you can to keep the stress level manageable. The yoga will definitely help! I would also suggest spoiling yourself with a really good massage now and then. 🙂

  3. So glad that things are looking better for you health wise and that you have the doctor’s okay to run! I don’t quite no how to get back into it after being injured because I am struggling with that too. Some days are better than others but yet I am scared to even try a run ( maybe that’s my body resisting because it knows I’m not healed yet).
    Congrats on winning the shoes! Can’t wait to see what you decide on RnR this weekend. There’s no shame in taking it slow!

    • Thanks Meranda. Its definitely a fine balance to find between pushing yourself back into exercise after an injury and not wanting to overdo it. I’m definitely scared as well, and kept my pace pretty slow during last night’s run. I’m leaning towards making a very conservative choice for this weekend’s race and walking more than running. Better safe than sorry.

  4. Lindsay says:

    I’m so glad to hear that you’ve gotten some answers to your questions, and to hear that you were approved to get back into your normal exercise – I know that’s something I would struggle with. You’ll have to let me know if you decide to do R&R USA, that’s the half I’m doing as well 🙂

  5. Denise says:

    Oh that’s such good news, Kathryn! Finding a good medical professional you can trust will help you during this time with not only your diagnosis but your sense of wellbeing too! Congrats on winning the shoes! I wear the Wave Inspire 9’s (have 3 pairs) and would love to know what you think about the 10’s so far. Getting back into running after injury (twice) is harder emotionally than physically for me. The endurance comes back quickly but I sometimes feel the nagging sense that something could go wrong and I could end up sidelined. I’m still healthy even with ramping up my training again (my RnR half is in May). Lately I’m able to quiet those doubts a little easier when they arise.

    • There’s definitely that nagging feeling about whether or not you’re pushing yourself too hard to fast, and I definitely think that’s part of why I’m having a hard time making a definitive answer about Saturday’s race.

      I’ve been wearing the Wave Inspire 9s since I was fit for shoes back in September, and am so glad that I won the shoes right about the same time that I needed to purchase a new pair. I’ve run once in the 10s so far, and plan to write a review post once I’ve run some more in them. Stay tuned. 🙂

  6. Chaitali says:

    I’m glad you have more answers and are cleared to resume your routine! Good luck with teh race this weekend, whether you run or cheer 🙂

  7. Pingback: Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 8 | From Dancing to Running

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