Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 5

I’m happy to report that last week’s slump was only temporary and by the middle of this past week I was feeling much more more motivated to run and train.

Although I started the week off with a not so stellar run on Tuesday, it fueled my motivation to make a come back and push through the physical and mental wall that had been built up.  When I walked into the gym Tuesday evening for my run, my plan had been to complete a 5k run on the treadmill, but 1.5 miles into my run my body just wasn’t agreeing with what I’d set my mind on accomplishing.  After feeling like a failure, I was even more motivated to get back into the gym on Wednesday, and reconquered the gym with a 35 minute elliptical workout and upper body weight training.  I felt so much better about myself and my physical abilities after reconquering the gym!

The other thing that’s helped my motivation this past week is the arrival of spring like weather!  Because of how gorgeous the weekend forecast looked, I rearranged my running schedule in order to take full advantage of the 60 degree weather we had this past weekend.  Instead of running on Thursday or Friday I opted to do a 5k run outside Saturday afternoon, and then completed my long run for the week on Sunday.  It was absolutely amazing to get outside for two runs, although it was a bit odd to still see snow on the ground with it being 60 degrees outside.

This isn't exactly the scene you expect to find on the trail on a 60 degree afternoon

This wasn’t exactly the scene I expected to find on the trail on a 60 degree afternoon

I know that the spring like weather isn’t here to stay (there’s a chance of snow again this week), but it has me a bit eager for spring to finally get here.  With only three weeks left until my second half marathon, I’m crossing my fingers that we’ll have decent weather for Rock ‘n’ Roll USA.

During my long run on Sunday, my goal had been to run 10 miles in less than 2 hours.  Despite the hilly route I chose to run, I managed to meet my goal with 20 seconds to spare!

I successfully ran a sub 2 hour 10 miler on Sunday!

I successfully ran a sub 2 hour 10 miler on Sunday!

Other than Tuesday’s run, the other disappointment this week was that the Reston 10 Miler was full when I went to register.  My “watch the weather and register last minute” plan seems to have failed me.  While it would have been nice to race my last long training run before Rock ‘n’ Roll USA, I’m swallowing this up as it wasn’t meant to be that I run this race.  There are plenty of other possible races I’m looking at, so this won’t hurt my goal to complete 14 races in 2014, but it would have been nice to race next weekend instead of just heading out for a usual long run.

Unfortunately when I went to register for the Reston 10 Miler Saturday morning I saw the message that the race was full

Unfortunately when I went to register for the Reston 10 Miler Saturday morning I saw the message that the race was full

After what turned out to be a successful training week, I’m more motivated than ever to be as prepared as I possibly can for my second half marathon.  Its hard to believe its only 19 short days away!

Mon 2/17 – Rest day

Tues 2/18 – 2.00 mile treadmill run, 0.63 mile cool down walk, kettlebell squats, abs, arms

Wed 2/19 – 35 min on the elliptical, chest, backs, arms, shoulders

Thurs 2/20 – Rest day

Fri 2/21 – Rest day

Sat 2/22 – 3.23 mile run on the W&OD Trail, 0.36 mile cool down walk

Sun 2/23 – 10.04 mile run on the W&OD Trail, 0.37 mile cool down walk

Total Weekly Mileage – 19.46 miles (2.96 miles more than week 4)

Total Half Marathon Training Mileage – 76.83 miles

QOTD: Do you ever rearrange your running schedule because of the weather?

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15 Responses to Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 5

  1. So glad you had a great week of running! That trail looks gorgeous! And oh yes I’ve rearranged my running schedule because of weather. Especially in the summer when we have pop up thunderstorms!

  2. Chaitali says:

    I absolutely re-arrange my running schedule sometimes, due to weather, other commitments, etc. And congrats on teh successful training week 🙂

  3. Lindsey says:

    I LOVED our weather this week! I totally agree that snow on the ground (or a frozen over lake in my case) was really weird when I was out running in shorts 🙂 Congrats on another great week!

  4. Glad you got past your slump! I’ve definitely rearranged my schedule because of weather. It’s much easier to run on a sunny, 60+ degree day rather than a cloudy, windy, cool day!

    I also hate when races are full when you go to sign up for them! That happened to me with the Glass Slipper Challenge this past weekend in Disney. I wanted to do it, but I missed the sign-up 😦 Not going to happen for the next Disney races!

  5. Oh so bummed you won’t be able to run the Reston 10 Miler this weekend. But congrats on meeting your 10 miler goal! That’s awesome — such a good feeling, right? 🙂

  6. cheriarmour says:

    I’ve totally, totally had to rearrange my running schedule due to weather. Here in NC, we’ve had a gross amount of snow, so the last few weeks, I’d either had to do a lot of my running on the treadmill : ( or I’ve had to switch days around! Ugh, but hoping all of this will be worth it come April.

  7. Short of a hurricane or crazy lightning, I’m happy to say weather isn’t usually a factor here. 🙂 Good or crappy runs, be happy that at least you CAN run. This self-imposed 4 month hiatus to (hopefully) heal my IT Bands is nearly killing me! 😦

    • I’ve been there with nursing an injury. Last May when I sprained my ankle I was so eager to get back out there but I knew that the more time I took to focus on healing and recovery the more it would pay off in the long run. Hang in there!

  8. Pingback: Rock ‘n Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 6 | From Dancing to Running

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