Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 4

The end of week 4 marks the halfway point of my training cycle for Rock ‘n’ Roll USA.  I must admit, the current winter weather has led to me being very unmotivated to train for this upcoming race.  Between the snow, the cold, and a couple of days of not feeling 100%, I haven’t been putting forth the training effort that I’d like to be at this point.  I definitely have a case of the winter running blues.

Thursday and Friday were snow days.  The DC area received the most snow its seen since Snowmageddon in 2010.  The current forecast is calling for 60 degree weather by the end of this coming week, which would definitely aide in helping me find the motivation and desire to train as thoroughly as I did when I was preparing for the Disney World Half Marathon.

Riley is just as hopeful as I am that the weather will start to get nicer sooner than later!

Riley is just as hopeful as I am that the weather will start to get nicer sooner than later!

Hopefully this is just a slump that I’m in.  Although it took me awhile to get going this week, I’m very proud of what I accomplished in the later part of the week, especially my eight mile run yesterday, which is the furthest I’ve run since Disney World.  Hopefully the enthusiasm I found late in the week will carry me forward over the next month as I finish preparing for Rock ‘n’ Roll DC!

Mon 2/10 – Rest day

Tues 2/11 – 3.10 mile treadmill run, 0.54 mile cool down walk, abs

Wed 2/12 – Glutes, legs

Thurs 2/13 – Rest day

Fri 2/14 – 3.50 mile treadmill run, 0.58 mile cool down walk, kettlebell squat swings, abs, chest, back, arms, shoulders, glutes

Sat 2/15 – Rest day

Sun 2/16 – 8.00 mile treadmill run, 0.78 mile cool down walk, foam rolling

Total Weekly Mileage – 16.50 miles (2.98 miles more than week 3)

Total Half Marathon Training Mileage – 57.37 miles

QOTD: How does winter weather affect your attitude towards training?

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14 Responses to Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 4

  1. Love that pic of Riley! I’ve been nursing a leg injury during this awful weather we’ve been having so it’s hard to say if I would have been more motivated or not. I do know that I am always hesitant to run in the cold but finding new paths and having a running buddy makes it fun!

  2. You’re doing great! I don’t really know what it’s like to run in snow but I do know the feeling of dreariness that winter brings. Hopefully you will get to run outside again soon!

  3. Good for you, running 8 miles on the treadmill!! I don’t think I could stay on it for that long, but in your situation, it looks like you have to. After my first half marathon, I had a tough time motivating myself to train because I already knew I could do it. As I’ve learned over my 3rd and 4th halfs, it is so important, though. Hopefully the nice weather and the excitement after your 8-mile run will make this a better week!

  4. Lindsey says:

    I’m so excited for the warm up! I am more than ready to get a pleasant outdoor run in! Congrats on a great training week! 🙂

  5. cheriarmour says:

    I’m training for Rock ‘n’ Roll Raleigh, and averaging closer to 30 mil/week. Can I tell you how tortuous the treadmill is, especially during this bad weather? I’ve done Netflix, watching tv, tried people watching at the gym, listened to music. Whew, it’s been rough!

  6. Since I’ve been injured the last couple weeks, I am highly unmotivated, but this weather has just been terrible. Hoping the warm up this week gives us all much needed boost! 🙂

  7. Chaitali says:

    I can’t believe the amount of snow we got last week! I was half convinced it would skip us but no such luck. The running group is definitely keeping me motivated. I’m not sure I’d be able to get out there in the cold without knowing that i was meeting up with people. I’m looking forward to the warmer weather!

  8. Pingback: Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 5 | From Dancing to Running

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