Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 3

This has been one crazy busy and stressful week, and unfortunately the craziness stemmed from work.  With the Snow Days that we had at the end of January, our midterm exam schedule was disrupted, causing exams and the end of semester grading schedule to be pushed back.  Per the original schedule we would have had two work days and a weekend to grade exams and export grades, but under the modified schedule we wound up with less than 18 hours from the end of the last exam to when our grades were due.  The last exam I gave was to one of my Advanced Placement classes, which included several short answer questions.  Tuesday evening was spent rapidly trying to grade exams before Wednesday morning’s deadline for semester grades.

To add to the end of semester craziness, our school held Curriculum Night on Thursday, which is an evening during which students and parents have the opportunity to come to school to preview courses in advance of course registration for next school year.  After staying up until 10:30pm on Tuesday to finish grading exams, I found myself at school until 8:45pm on Thursday to talk to parents and students about Social Studies course offerings.

The blurriness of my reflection photo for Day 7 of the Team #runDisney Photo A Day challenge is reflective of just how exhausting this past week was

The blurriness of my reflection photo for Day 7 of the Team #runDisney Photo A Day challenge is reflective of just how exhausting this past week was.  I even wore my glasses to the gym for Friday evening’s workout, which tells you just how tired I was since I hate working out in my glasses.

To say this past week was exhausting is an understatement, and the craziness at work unfortunately impacted my training schedule.  Although I had hoped to complete my second weekly run on Friday after work, by the time I got home I was physically and emotionally exhausted, and although I pushed myself downstairs to work out in our small apartment complex gym, I lacked energy to run and chose to walk and spend time on the elliptical instead.  Hopefully next week things will return to normal at work which will allow my workouts to be more consistent, although there are several chances for snow in the coming week so who knows!

Mon 2/3 – Rest day

Tues 2/4 – 2.75 mile treadmill run, 0.27 mile cool down walk, kettlebell squats, abs, arms, chest

Wed 2/5 – Rest day

Thurs 2/6 – “Rest” day (although I think a 14 hour work day is anything but restful!)

Fri 2/7 – 20 minutes on the elliptical, 2.33 mile powerwalk on the treadmill (14:08 pace!), glutes

Sat 2/8 – 2.00 mile treadmill run, 0.28 mile cool down walk, abs, legs, glutes, chest, back, arms

Sun 2/9 – 4.25 mile treadmill run, 0.64 mile cool down walk, foam rolling

Total Weekly Mileage – 13.52 miles (0.28 miles more than week 2)

Total Half Marathon Training Mileage – 40.87 miles

QOTD: How do you manage to fit in your training during busy weeks at work?

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6 Responses to Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 3

  1. Wow, sounds like an exhausting week! SO impressed by your mileage, especially given the craziness! Nice job!!

  2. I was crazy busy at work (I’m a math coach in 2 high schools) last week, too! I keep wanting to switch my workouts to the morning, but waking up earlier than 5:40 just does NOT sound appeasing to me! Good job still getting in some activity, even if you had to modify it.

  3. I remember those late nights at school, Ugg! Just keep thinking about all the free time you will have come summer (between all the time preparing your curriculum for the next school year)!

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