Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 2

I’ve always believed in honesty being the best policy.  Many have shared with me that they appreciated the honest recap I wrote about my first half marathon, especially about the frustrations I experienced during the race and the pain I endured while running it.

So if I’m going to be completely honest, this week of training was a rough one.  It wasn’t rough because I faced physical difficulty or pain, but it was difficult motivation wise.  My frustrations this past week is part of what drove my monthly goal setting.  While I know that the weather shouldn’t be an excuse for not training, it certainly hasn’t made making myself motivated any easier.

Despite my lack of motivation early in the week, the weather warmed up nicely and on Sunday I was able to run a 10k outside.  Despite Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction that we’ll have six more weeks of winter, the temperature hit 59 degrees during my run Sunday afternoon!

Minnie Mouse and I are having a hard time believing Punxsutawney Phil's prediction, especially since I got hot wearing long sleeves and its the beginning of February!

Minnie Mouse and I are having a hard time believing Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction, especially since I got hot wearing long sleeves and its the beginning of February!

Mon 1/27 – Rest day

Tues 1/28 – 2.50 mile treadmill run, 0.83 mile cool down walk, abs, glutes

Wed 1/29 – Rest day

Thurs 1/30 – Abs, glutes, resistance band strength training for my ankle

Fri 1/31 – 3.10 mile treadmill run, 0.53 mile cool down walk

Sat 2/1 – Rest day

Sun 2/2 – 6.28 mile run on the W&OD Trail

Total Weekly Mileage – 13.24 miles (0.13 miles more than week 1)

Total Half Marathon Training Mileage – 27.35 miles

QOTD: How do you stay motivated during the cold winter months?

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10 Responses to Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon Training Log – Week 2

  1. Lauren says:

    I find it harder to leave the house to exercise in this cold weather as well! For cross training days I’ve been incorporating a lot of at home workouts/videos. I don’t have to spend time going to the gym, fighting for a machine, or trying to get into a packed class. I can do it on my own time which has been a great help!

  2. I hear ya! I’m so done with this winter weather…this weekend was such a treat! Looks like this week might mean more Treadmill runs 😦

  3. I’m hoping Phil”s prediction is wrong too. I really enjoyed my “warm” run on Saturday!

  4. Right there with ya! I have had a hard time since the holidays motivating myself to train for my two half marathons this month. Now that they’re almost here, I’m kicking myself for slacking on the training. I think it really helps to have someone to run with OR a virtual training buddy to keep you accountable. That really helps me, at least!

  5. Lindsey says:

    I think having my training plan stuck to my refrigerator has really helped me because I don’t want to see a run that doesn’t get checked off 🙂 Keep up the good work! It was so nice having a gorgeous running weekend!

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